When your dog is sick, without proper care and diet, your dog can experience dangerous complications. At best, you need to observe and quickly determine what disease your dog has in order to provide the correct nutrition.

Diagnosing dog diseases

The first thing to treat is to understand your dog's symptoms. Diagnosis will help you treat the disease more thoroughly and quickly. We can rely on external symptoms to diagnose the disease.

If the dog loses weight, eats erratically, not in moderation. If his appearance also became weak, then he must have suffered from rickets.

If your dog is suffering from diarrhea, or digestive problems, you can identify through the external symptoms, from feces to daily cleaning for the dog.

Or your dog may be constipated and have difficulty digesting which can also be easily observed

Many times your dog has strange symptoms such as not eating, abdominal pain, or maybe it has been infected with worms. You should deworm your dog regularly.

Also, if your dog shows more dangerous symptoms, such as seizures, poisoning, broken bones, or other more serious illnesses, it's best to take him to the vet right away.

Instructions on how to feed your dog when sick

You can feed your dog less. But it's important to note that nutrient levels need to be higher than normal. Helps your dog's digestive system to easier to absorb. It still ensures energy and nutrition for the dog's normal growth.

During the illness, the dog's body will be very tired, the dog does not like to chew too much. Therefore, you should mix milk into ready-to-eat food to soften the food or some other soft food to make it easier for your dog to swallow.

When making food for your dog. You can reheat food to soften it, and chop it up before slicing it into smaller pieces. So it will be easier for your dog to eat at this time.

Diet for various diseases

A sick dog needs a special diet to recover. Therefore, the diet for each disease is different.

Diet for dogs with diarrhea

Diarrhea in dogs can have many causes. We can fix it depending on the cause.

First, dogs with diarrhea can be caused by eating stale food, in excess fluid. Since a puppy's intestines are very thin, it is easy to pass stools. In this case, you should give your dog fresh cheese, give plenty of water or give him yogurt to improve his digestive system. However, you should not give your dog raw milk. It can make diarrhea worse. At the same time, you also need to immediately adjust your dog's daily diet.

Dogs with diarrhea due to digestive disorders

When your dog has a digestive disorder. You should not feed the dog but only a small amount of apples. Time to feed a little every 2 hours.

At night, your dog will start to get hungry. At this time, you should not give your dog any other food because of your injury! But let your dog eat apples without giving him water. Because if the dog drinks too much water, the disease will be less relieved.

With this method, your dog will be back to normal in a day. Because apples contain acid, it is effective in treating bloody stools.

But by the second day, the apples were no longer needed. Now, every 2 hours, you feed your dog a tablespoon of raw ground pork.

Only feed the dog like that, do not give the dog anything else. If your dog stops defecating. You can give your dog some water that afternoon.

Treating dog diarrhea with apples can be very effective if you follow the above methods correctly. Because the substances in apples can breed harmful bacteria that cause constipation in dead dogs. The amount of lean meat you feed your dog will help the dog's body quickly heal the injured area.

You need to heal in this way for three days in a row. Dog food can be eaten as condensed milk, fresh yogurt, and fresh cheese.

When you notice that your dog has completely recovered. At this point, you can feed your dog as usual. Good food for the final stage: small pieces of meat, rice, eggs, and fresh cheese.

Note: Do not feed your dog milk, bones, cabbage, or brown bread. These foods restore the digestive system and are easily damaged, causing abdominal pain.

The diet of a dog with worms

Helminthiasis is probably the most common disease in dogs. You should deworm your dog regularly with dewormer twice a year. It can be purchased at pet stores or veterinary pharmacies.

To prevent worms, you should feed your dog garlic 3 times a week. Pumpkin cooked with buckwheat is also a very effective remedy for worms.

Constipation dog diet

When your dog is constipated. You will need to mix warm water for your dog to take the medicine. For dogs under 1 month to 1 month old, give 1/4 cup of water, and for dogs 2 months old, give 1/2 cup of warm water.

This is the best time to feed your dog dairy. Feed more greens and use extra yogurt.

It is best to give the dog an extra tablespoon of sunflower oil to feed the dog.

Diet for dogs with minor illnesses due to illness, fever, injury

Sick dogs are also sensitive, so in addition to nutritional supplements, they need to be processed to make them easy to eat. Food should be chopped and thoroughly stewed for easy digestion by the dog.

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