Dogs refuse to eat: Causes and solutions

For dog owners, seeing their dogs are healthy and happy, suddenly one day they don’t eat, and they don’t eat much, which is a very distressing thing. A dog's refusal to eat is one of the early signs that a dog has a health problem. So what is the reason for this phenomenon? The dog does not eat, the dog is anorexic, what should I do? This article from the Nutrience team will help you understand that.


Usually, every dog ​​can have anorexia. Regardless of their age, old or young. However, the dog's refusal to eat often has 2 main reasons: disease or habit.

Dogs stop eating due to habits and psychology

Dogs are very intelligent animals, they know what food is good and what is not. Many ordinary dogs do not care much about daily food. Whatever they eat, even if the food is not good, they still eat it deliciously. But there are dogs, even if they give fish meat and sausages, they still don't touch them. So what is the cause? It's from you. Because you are too pampering your dog.

You often change their diet, give them many delicious meals, and then suddenly return to the same meal, as usual, causing the dog to stop eating. Or it could still be that they will still eat, but only eat the food and leave the rice behind. And over time will form an anorexic habit. Another reason is that dogs experience psychological shock. For example, the owner has an accident, and dies ... also causes the dog to stop eating.

Dog refuses to eat due to illness

In addition to the cause of habit, due to fatigue, the dog refuses to eat, there is also a medical cause. Experienced dog owners will often think of two reasons:

Caused by worms

It is the worms that cause this. However, this is very rare. And if it happens, it usually only happens to puppies under 2 months old. Big dogs are very rare. If you haven't dewormed your dog for a long time, deworm them so they can regain their appetite.

Dental causes

Another reason that many people think about is that dogs' teeth are weak, so they can't eat food. If in doubt, switch to soft dog food.

Other causes

If the above 2 causes have been ruled out, and you still do not know why your dog refuses to eat, you should take them to the veterinarian for timely treatment. If left for a long time, it can be dangerous for your pet.


Dogs refusing to eat can show up through a variety of symptoms. Observe their daily activities. If they notice something abnormal, they are not well.

The dog has diarrhea, vomiting, and difficulty going to the toilet

When they experience the above symptoms plus anorexia, they are sick. You may be carrying a dangerous disease, carrying a death sentence such as Parvo disease, Care disease, or blood parasitic infection.

Dog refuses to eat and only drinks water

Suddenly one day you notice a change in your beloved dog. Dogs that refuse to eat and drink only water can have two reasons:

Worm disease: Usually only seen with dogs under 2 months old. And the adult dogs will be very few.

Toothache: Painful teeth can also cause dogs to stop eating and drinking only water. So, please check their teeth immediately to get the results.

Tired anorexic dog

When an anorexic dog is tired, he is likely sick. Often the owner will think it must be worms but it is not. Worms will only be found in dogs under 2 months of age, and older dogs are almost not.

They may be suffering from a toothache, but most dogs are anorexic, and fatigue may be due to illness, temperature changes, etc. There is also the phenomenon of dogs vomiting and refusing to eat. Then take them to the doctor for timely examination and proper care.


In some cases when fostering, your dog refuses to eat, has anorexia, and refuses to eat, making the owner worry. So what should a dog stop eating, an anorexic dog? Here are some fixes that you can refer to:

How to overcome the situation that the dog refuses to eat due to habit

To overcome this situation you can apply the following ways:

Take your dog to the vet to stimulate his appetite with Catoosa.

Create a good habit for your dog by letting a meal only last for about 10-20 minutes, if the dog eats beyond the above time, put all the food away. Doing so will help the dog understand that they are only allowed to eat during that time. Thereby helping to increase the efficiency of eating.

Arrange for the dog a quiet space, avoid being disturbed by other animals, and eat at the right time and in the right place.

You also shouldn't make sudden changes to your dog's food. For example, from wet to dry food, from one brand to another... If you want to change because the current dog food is not delicious and does not meet the nutritional requirements, you should change it slowly. Add new food little by little to the daily diet until the dog eats the new food completely.

How to overcome a dog that refuses to eat due to illness?

For dogs that are in the process of recovering from surgery, an injury, etc., you should not force them to eat. Be patient and calm with them.

You can use nutritional gels available at many pet stores to support your dog during this period. Just use 2 times a day to help dogs get enough nutrition for 1 day. And you must determine the dog's diet. You can apply the following:

Session 1 day 1: take 100 grams of food and feed it to the dog. If your dog won't eat, smell and walk away, throw the food away

Day 2 session: take 50 grams of food and feed it to the dog. If the dog continues to not eat on its own, throw the food away and the next day you continue to reduce the portion by 50%. If your dog eats, rate their appetite:

– Very hungry: keep this portion for the next day and then evaluate again

– It is okay to eat, nothing is interesting in the meal: keep this portion for 1 more day and then evaluate again

Reasons to throw food away when your dog refuses to eat

Once you have mixed the food with the seeds, it only takes about 4-5 hours for the food to go rancid. As for food that has been processed, leaving it all day will not be hygienic. Therefore, you should not waste food and leave it for your dog to eat next time. Doing so will affect the health of the dog

How to fix a dog that refuses to eat and only drinks water?

If your dog is refusing to eat and drink only water, then you should find out the reasons why they are not interested in food, it may be a medical condition or a bad habit, etc. water-only feedings include:

If your dog refuses to eat due to a bad habit, you can bring it to your veterinarian to have them stimulate their appetite. Or seek professional advice.

If your dog stops eating and only drinks water due to weather changes, you should have the most appropriate care and protection plan for them.

How to overcome a tired anorexia dog

Once you have identified the exact cause and symptoms of an anorexia dog lying down, then there will be an appropriate remedy. You should first add water, and glucose, or add Cotasal to rehydrate and replenish nutrients.

After that, you need to monitor your health status for 3 to 5 hours. If you still find that your dog is anorexic, take them to the doctor. Let the medical team diagnose and fix it in time.

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