Desperate Dog Walks 20 Miles Twice To Go Back To The Family That Gave Her Up For Adoption
Dogs’ loyalty never fails to leave us without words. This adventure of a dog who did everything in her power to find her old family just proves how devoted they can be. The dog’s name is Cathleen and she’s a six-year-old Great Pyrenees mix. The dog’s owners moved into a house without a fenced yard, located in Seminole, Oklahoma. This was the reason why Cathleen’s owners had to give her away to a family that lives in Prague, a town 20 miles far from Seminole.
Cathleen dearly loved her family and missed them so much that she decided to take action and went back to her old home. Last winter Cathleen walked all the way from Prague to her old home in Seminole. The loyal dog walked 20 miles in the freezing cold weather. It was a long and difficult journey for a dog just to see her family again. Unfortunately the family wasn’t as loyal as Cathleen, so they brought her back to Prague.
Dogs are incredibly loyal creatures and Cathleen’s adventure in finding her family is definitely one great example that shows how loyal dogs can be.
From Prague, Cathleen walked 20 miles on a 40-degree (4°C) temperature day just to get to her family in Seminole.
Needless to say, Cathleen’s story warmed people’s hearts.
People search for the kind of loyalty that could easily come from a dog like Cathleen.
People love how Cathleen went through so much just to be with her owners which just proves how loving and loyal the dog is.
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