Dog Misses The Neighbor Kids So Much He Spends All Day Watching Them

Big Poppa has always been a playful and affectionate dog, and he loves everyone he meets. There are a lot of kids living in his building, and normally, he loves playing with them whenever he gets the chance. 

“Mornings on the weekend when we walk or early evenings, there is usually a child playing in the courtyard or riding a skateboard in the garage,” Rae Ellis, Big Poppa’s mom, told The Dodo. “He loves it, especially if they have a ball or a skateboard or on a scooter. He will try to get it and play on it but he's too small. They usually let him attempt and also give him plenty of rubs.”

dog misses friends

Big Poppa always looked forward to his daily playdates, but unfortunately, due to the current health crisis, he hasn’t been able to play with any of his favorite kids in a while. His mom started to notice recently how sad he seemed — and how all he wanted to do was sit out on the balcony and watch some of the kids playing down below. 

“I noticed him trying to get the attention of the kids outside but he could not,” Ellis said. 

dog misses friends

Now, several times a day, Big Poppa sits out on his balcony, waiting to spot different kids getting some air outside. At first they didn’t notice he was there, and he always looked so sad — but as soon as they realized he was watching, they started making a point of saying hi to him every time. 

“Now they know he's watching and they scream BIG POPPA repeatedly and he jumps around and he's so excited,” Ellis said. 

dog misses friends

Hearing his favorite kids shout his name makes his day every time, and his mom loves seeing him so happy after being down for so long.

Big Poppa misses his friends so much, but for now he’s happy just to watch them from the balcony, waiting for the day when he can finally have playdates once again.

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