Faithful dog waits for its dead owner to return for five years at the man's former work site

Devoted Da Huang lost its owner to cancer abruptly in 2015 in Shenyang, China. The loyal dog has since been waiting at the man's former work site for his return. Come rain or shine, the pooch refused to leave the area or be adopted by others. Touched by its devotion, local residents joined forces to look after the animal 

They say a dog is a man's best friend – and for this pooch in China, the friendship never ends.

For the past five years, a loyal pet named Da Huang has been patiently waiting for the return of its owner, Mr Shen, who died of cancer.

Come rain or shine, the faithful dog has refused to leave the man's former work site, determined that it would see its beloved owner once again.

For the past five years, a loyal pet named Da Huang has been patiently waiting for the return of its owner, Mr Shen, who died of cancer. Da Huang is pictured being fed by a local resident

For the past five years, a loyal pet named Da Huang has been patiently waiting for the return of its owner, Mr Shen, who died of cancer. Da Huang is pictured being fed by a local resident

For the past five years, a loyal pet named Da Huang has been patiently waiting for the return of its owner, Mr Shen, who died of cancer. Come rain or shine, the faithful dog has refused to leave the man's former work site, determined that it would see its beloved owner once again

Da Huang, a former stray, was adopted in 2012 by Mr Shen who worked as a parking lot attendant at a residential complex in the city of Shenyang, northeastern China's Liaoning Province.

The man decided to keep the poor animal after finding it stealing a bite of his dinner in his office one day, reported local media Liaoshen Evening News on Friday. 

Mr Shen gave Da Huang a new home by letting it live in his office while feeding and bathing the pooch regularly.

For the next three years, the pooch became the man's four-legged assistant as the pair spent their days together.

Every morning, Da Huang would wait at the car park to welcome Mr Shen, eagerly wagging its tail when it saw him appearing in distance.

It would also help the man guard the area, barking to alert him when it saw an unfamiliar vehicle. 

Come rain or shine, the faithful dog named Da Huang (pictured) has refused to leave the man’s former work site, determined that it would see its beloved owner, Mr Shen, once again

Come rain or shine, the faithful dog named Da Huang (pictured) has refused to leave the man's former work site, determined that it would see its beloved owner, Mr Shen, once again

A faithful pet named Da Huang lost its Chinese owner who died of cancer in 2015
The loyal dog has since been waiting at the man's former work site for his return

Da Huang, a former stray, was adopted in 2012 by Mr Shen who worked as a parking lot attendant at a residential complex in the city of Shenyang, northeastern China's Liaoning Province. After Mr Shen's death, Da Huang has been waiting at the car park for five years

Until one day in 2015, the man did not arrive at his office as usual.

Within less than two weeks, Mr Shen had been diagnosed with cancer before abruptly passing away.

He did not get a chance to bid a farewell with his furry best friend, Da Huang, who continued to wait for its owner at the parking lot.

After a while, Da Huang began to look for Mr Shen, said local residents who spotted the pooch wandering around the neighbourhood.

Whenever it saw someone who looked like its owner, the dog would run up to them with its wagging tail while sniffing around to check if they are Mr Shen.

'After realising it wasn't Mr Shen, Da Huang would slowly walk back with its head down,' one neighbour told reporters.

While out on the street looking for its owner, Da Huang was once captured by a trafficker who sold it to a dog meat restaurant.

Luckily, the pooch was found by the residents who noticed its disappearance and rushed to look for it. 

They bought Da Huang back and saved it from being slaughtered and served on the  dinner table.

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