Hours After The Loving Dog Died, A Gri.eving Woman Sees His Face In The Clouds!

Pets are more than just animals. They are like best friends to us, and they are family…!

It would be he.artbre.aking if our pets one day left us to go to the Rainbow Bridge, a grassland where animals wait for humans to merge with them and then enter Heaven together. We all hope the pet lives a happy life there!

While we all hope for the best, saying goodbye is never easy!

Lucy Ledgeway is a 19-year-old woman from York, England. She and her dog Sunny are close companions who have shared so many memories that she seemed to be [dev.asta.ted] by the lo.ss of her beloved pet. After a se.izu.re, her Sunny, a Jack Russel Terrier pa.ssed aw.ay.

Lucy was di.stra.ught after Sunny’s de.ath and went out with her boyfriend to get some fresh air and clear her mind. They drove by a location where Lucy used to walk her dog, Sunny. She got out of the car because she wanted to sense the presence of her dog.

She was thinking about Sunny as she looked up at the sky for a sign that her dog was okay. And she did see her dog’s face in the sky!

When the young girl looked up to the sky and saw the face of her deceased dog, she burst into tears!
Perhaps it was Sunny’s way of telling them she was fine and in a better place.

She gets a warm feeling when she sees her dog’s face in the sky. Hope that all the animals who have died are safe in heaven!!!

Furbabies are the best hellos and hardest goodbyes. God is letting you know your sweet fur baby is with him in Heaven, and is very happy and waiting for you when ever that may be…

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