Man Rescues One Dog — Then Hears A Scream Coming From The Forest

“He was really scared."

Niall Harbison had just scooped up an abandoned white puppy and was on his way to bring her to safety when he heard something that stopped him in his tracks. Harbison, an experienced dog rescuer in rural Thailand, feared he knew exactly what it was.

“I’ve heard the cry of a puppy being dumped about 20 times now,” Harbison told The Dodo. “The first time you hear it, you wonder what it could be. It is bone chilling.”

It didn’t take long before Harbison spotted him — a sweet brown dog crying out from within the forest leaves.

Harbison could tell that the dog, later named Thor, was in trouble. He quickly jumped into action, coaxing the dog into the safety of his arms.

“He was really scared,” Harbison said.

Soon, Harbison, Thor and the white dog, later named Lady Diana, were on Harbison’s motorbike, headed toward safety.

Harbison documented the rescue in a video here:

Safe at Harbison’s dog sanctuary, the puppies finally relaxed. Harbison made sure they got immediate veterinary attention.

“Once we had Lady Diana cleared of ticks and fleas she was OK,” Harbison said. “Thor took three vet visits and [needed to wear a cone] for a week to fix his jaw. Once the pain started to go, he [recovered] really fast and only wanted to play.”

Thor and Lady Diana are now in foster homes, where they will live until they’re ready to find their permanent families.

Harbison is so proud of these two for defying the odds, and so inspired by their resilience.

“They are just two beautiful puppies who love nothing more than playing,” Harbison said. “They spend every waking second in their foster homes trying to get the bigger dogs to play. They've come a long way from the bushes they were found in.”

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