Although most people love the companionship of a pet and the thought of getting rid of their dog or cat is unlikely to occur to them, cohabitation between humans and animals is not always successful.

Many hairy ones wander the streets, helpless, rejected, miserable, and without someone to love them.

This is the story of Lisa, a dog that was discovered laying on the road, on the chilly tarmac, a victim of human humiliation. She was pregnant, but her accused assailant didn’t seem to mind because she was gravely harmed.

The tiny girl didn’t have enough power to rise up when she was discovered by an angelic kid, making her rescue much more difficult. Despite the fact that her story had been shared on social media, no one else had sought out to assist her.

When a pro-animal rights organization finally spoke up, it was too late to save their precious babies. In the middle of his anguish, he suddenly and silently lost them all.

“A little child discovered a pregnant stray dog who had been abused and thrown onto the road. We raced to meet her right away but were unable to locate her. “Our volunteers continued to seek for her until we saw her strolling down the road,” the Animal Rescue organization claimed.

And this is the narrative of many beings without a voice, like Lisa, who have to cope with the lack of love of the beings in whom they formerly trusted, believed, and loved with all of their beings, and who have to deal with this sort of circumstance.

“She appeared to have recently given birth, but she regrettably lost all of her puppies due to rectal prolapse and depression.” “We were apprehensive that if we approached her with food, she might flee, but thankfully the food drew her attention,” a spokeswoman for the group noted.

The group of volunteers approached the canine slowly but steadily, putting in much effort and taking solid steps to get her to safety and assist her in her recovery. This, however, was not a simple task. It took a long time for things to start to improve.

Fortunately, Lisa was rescued, and she is recovering. It already shows definite indications of progress today. She feeds well, she is more calmer, and she is gradually gaining ground.

“As a result of the abuse during the pregnancy and the death of the infants, she was exceedingly thin, dehydrated, weak, and anemic.” What was the point of doing that to this poor stray? “Did they beat her only because she was trying to feed her children?” The organization made a remark.

Of course, after such heinous violence, Lisa was terrified, suspicious, and always on the defensive. He wouldn’t even drink water, so a syringe was used to inject the life-saving fluids.

Read more at Dog Family category.

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