A 100-Year-Old Woman Fights With Perfect Wits To Adopt An 11-Year-Old Dog

A woman who loves pure dogs

The 100-year-old California woman has always loved dogs as pets, she has eight Pekingese. She recently adopted Gucci, an 11-year-old Chihuahua.

“I just love him,” Carrington said.

After Carrington’s previous dog, Rocky, passed away, her house was eerily quiet. They were concerned that a shelter might not allow an elderly woman to adopt a pet when she mentioned it to her daughter Debbie Carrington.

Thankfully, one of their Moss Beach neighbors volunteers with the Muttville Senior Dog Rescue Team in San Francisco and feels the group can support. It turned out that Gucci, then known as Gnocchi, had just been rescued from a hoarding situation involving 22 dogs.

The puppy seems to be getting ready to live alone in a home where it can receive a lot of love and care.

Eddie Martinez, Johanna Carrington’s carer, has promised to take Gucci for a walk every day and assist with his care as a condition of adoption. Gucci’s adoptive mother drove the little dog to see Carrington on September 2, and she was immediately at home on her own.

“He came to the house like he had been here before. Carrington said. “He saw me sitting in a chair, jumped up and sat on my lap. He made me very, very comfortable. It was just our baby right then and there.”

She gave her new friend toys that he loved to buy, and she also massaged his back while they both watched TV. Gucci likes to make a nest in their bedding at night.

Carrington hopes to have a good time with Gucci this December when she turns 101. She “absolutely” believes spending time with dogs is one of the secrets to a good life. happy and long, even if she considers her longevity a healthy lifestyle (she has never had a cigarette or even a sip of wine).

She said: “Animals bring so much happiness to our home. “Unbelievable.”

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