Dog Missing For 8 Years Immediately Recognizes Owner At First Sight In Emotional Reunion

This touching story is proof that you never give up hope.

It all started in 2012 when two of Stevie Rodger’s dogs, Kavik and Konan, were released from his home in Scotland to defecate but were left out of the gate. He searched the area and discovered the dogs had strayed into a farmer’s sheep field.
The farmer ‘ sh.ot’ both dogs, in which Konan ‘di.ed’ immediately and Kavik was wounded but still ran away

Stevie Rodger’s family searched the area for months without finding, they posted signs and offered a reward to anyone who saw where Kavik was, but to no avail.

They even posted on Dog Lost, leaving two phone numbers to call with any information. Posts posted. “If you see Kavik, please call either of these numbers immediately and tell me where you saw Kavik. He will be scared and may need Veterinary care. Thanks a lot.”

They grieve for the loss of both dogs, and they gradually lose faith in being able to see Kavik again.

But eight years later, they suddenly received a call about seeing their long-lost dog in Birmingham, 300 miles away.

A skinny German Shepherd mix was deemed to fit Kavik’s description in Dog Lost, so the staff decided to contact Stevie.

Stevie Rodger couldn’t believe what he was hearing and the next day he drove more than four hours to where the dog was waiting. Then it only took one look at the skinny dog ​​for Stevie Rodger to know it was Kavik. The 10-year-old dog immediately recognized his father and tears started to fall from his eyes.

Kavik ran to where Stevie Rodger began to lick in an indescribable emotion, it was a very emotional reunion. Stevie Rodger can’t believe it’s been over 8 years since he’s been missing but he’s back on his feet,” Stevie told Metro.

The two slept together on the couch the first night they met. The next day, Kavik was immediately taken to the vet for examination and blood tests. After being examined in addition to dehydration and underweight, the veterinarian also discovered that a growth on the dog’s back would be removed.

Kavik’s recovery will take a long time, the family said, “we are ready to be with him and do it with a happy heart.”

Stevie calls this reunion a Christmas miracle. The whole family is overjoyed to be reunited with their beloved dog.

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