Rescuer Shocked By Terrible Condition Of Malamute

Ronan, the Alaskan Malamute, was in dire condition when he arrived at the Humane Society for Tacoma & Pierce County. The shelter worked hard to bring him back to health, but it was clear that he would require ongoing care. 

This led the Humane Society to reach out to The Asher House, where Lee came to pick him up. "This dude is messed up," Lee exclaimed upon seeing Ronan's state.

The Humane Society informed Lee of Ronan's multiple health problems, including skin lesions, osteoarthritis, and a thyroid issue affecting his skin and appetite. 

Nevertheless, Lee was determined to keep his promise to both the Humane Society and Ronan to get him healthy again. 

The first step in Ronan's recovery was a spa day to help remove the yeast and fungus from his skin. 

Although it was a difficult grooming session, it was a necessary one. After a long day at the spa, Ronan was ready for a well-deserved nap.

Despite his current grumpiness from the pain, the Asher House pack is confident that Ronan will soon be feeling much better with their love and care.

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