Chained Dog That’s Slighted By Owner & Couldn’t Lie Down, Only Wants 1 Thing

When they saw the cold, wet dog they were appalled. He sat on a chain shivering. There was mud everywhere. He didn’t even have a food or water bowl and the chain was too short for him to do much of anything.
We see stories like this one far too often. A family adopts a dog just to put him in every unimaginable scene, outside, in a sequence: cold, rain, unrelenting heat. It’s cruel and heartless But this is the only life Hank knows about. When rescuers got a call from a concerned neighbor, they knew that they had to urge involved.

When they need to Hank’s house, they were appalled. He sat in a sequence in the cold rain. There was mud everywhere. He didn’t even have a food or water bowl. Which family will leave such a dog? The authorities got involved and therefore the rescue group was ready to take Hank with them that day!

Once at the vet clinic, the rescuers got some upsetting news. Hank wasn’t healthy. He had distemper, which has only a 50% survival rate. The poor pup was malnourished and severely anemic. His system was compromised. This means Hank needs a lot of one-on-one care. The rescue group reached out on social media for help.

The two women were anxious to take Hank home. They offered to worry about him around the clock. Hank didn’t only receive medications and proper shelter and food– he received plenty of affection. His new moms made sure he made it to each doctor’s appointment, he ate properly and slept comfortably (on the couch or their bed! Not on a sequence outside!)

Hank finally felt the reception and fell asleep.asleep. He spent his days lounging about. He was weak and ill, but still managed to wag his tail and lay on his moms’ laps. And while Hank was young enough, and could’ve lived an extended life, his former owner ruined that for him. Without proper care from puppyhood, including vaccinations and good nutrition, Hank continued to deteriorate.

While Hank’s passing is heartbreaking, knowing he spent his remaining time feeling loved may be a victory in itself. All dogs should live a happy life. This was how Hank’s happiness came to be. He crossed over the rainbow bridge in his mom’s arms as they whispered, “We love you, Hank.” R.I.P sweet boy!

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