English Mastiff Starved And Thrown From Car Wags Her Tail Every Time She Sees Her Rescuer

When she was first rescued, she weighed only 60 lbs, but wait until you see her now…wow!

An English Mastiff weighing only a 3rd of what she should was thrown out of a car sort of piece of garbage. ForFor a few dogs, this may be their sad ending. But because of an honest Samaritan, the dog named Violet started to change people. Warning: a couple of images of Violet could also be disturbing to some readers. Updates at the top of this story.

Authorities say someone saw the massive dog being tossed out of a moving car in Clinton, Maryland. the great Samaritan stopped to assist the massive dog and she or he was taken to Prince George’s County Animal Control. Violet was then rescued by Mutts Matter Rescue and placed with volunteer Debbie Gretz, who has experience with tending to severely emaciated dogs like Violet.

“Tears avalanche my cheeks as I run my fork over her soft fur hugging every bone in her body,” Debbie wrote around on Facebook when she first met her. “She will get up and walk to me…I am surprised she will even do that . I’m at a loss for the words to explain her condition. It is a pleasure to have her with me. Send all of your good thoughts, prayers, positive energy, whatever you’ll send her way.” Violet weighed just over 60 pounds when she was first found. Debbie says she must gain 80 to 90 pounds to “be whole again.” Violet has many pressure sores all over her body. Her rescuers thought she might need to be locked inside and would not breed.

Debbie is giving Violet several small, nutritious meals each day to slowly build up her health and weight. And each time, Violet sees Debbie come downstairs, her tail wags. “When I sat on the sofa to speak to her, she walked over to me and put her head in my lap I thought I might melt. She is simply so sweet even after being treated so terribly.” Although Violet isn’t out of the woods yet, she is getting spoiled with many attentions and she or he loves it! She’s learning how to rise up the steps, going for walks with friends and learning what it’s to be a part of a family.

A $5,000 reward is being offered by the Humane Society of the Us (HSUS) for information resulting in the identification, arrest, and conviction of whomever is liable for Violet’s abuse. Anyone with information can contact the Prince George’s County Animal Management Division at 301-780-7241. Several months have passed since Violet was first rescued. She is flourishing in the care of her mom, who has been ensuring Violet gets the nutrition and exercise she so desperately needed. Violet now weighs 138 pounds. Way to go, Violet! She’s enjoying days at the beach…

And all the love and attention!

I’m so happy that Violet is on the mend, especially after years of maltreatment and neglect.

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