Hero Husky Discovers Abandoned Baby Crying All Alone In A Park

A sweet husky called Hel is being hailed as a gift from heaven after he helped in saving a newborn baby boy who had been left in a park in the UK.

Hel’s owner Terry Walsh was walking the husky last week when it came across a stack of blankets hidden behind a shrub in Birmingham.

“Suddenly I heard this baby cry,” Walsh, 64, told Birmingham Live. “I think it was Hel’s gentle nudging and the heat from my husky’s body that woke the baby up.”
According to a West Midlands Police press release, the infant boy was found wrapped in a blanket and was probably only a few hours old.

He was quickly sent to the hospital, where staff members report that he is doing well.

Since he was discovered the day before St. George’s Day, he is known as George, according to authorities.

“I thank the Lord that the baby was alive, that could’ve been a lot worse,” Walsh told Birmingham Live. “The baby could’ve been dead. I said to my neighbors, heaven sent Hel to rescue [a] newborn baby boy!”

Finding George’s mother is the police’s main concern, and on Thursday, they published many images of the infant in the hopes that doing so would aid in their search.

“I am reaching out to George’s mother. You are my primary concern right now, and we really need to make sure you’re okay.”

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