Owner Told Him To “Stay” On The Sidewalk – The Dog Was Still Waiting A Week Later

People are often so c.r.u.e.l, if they see how loyal and how much love you’ve got for them tons of the days they won’t appreciate it, but they’re going to use it against you.

For a poor abandoned dog on the streets of Russia, what hurts him the most we are sure it isn’t the abandonment act itself, is that the way how the person he thought as his family used his love and loyalty to go away him all by himself. The poor dog was seen for every week staying on a Moscow sidewalk, after his owner had used the loyalty the dog had for him by order the dog to ‘’stay’’ The pet took his cruel master’s command to heart, and was seen staying in it for a whole week, not believing that he was abandoned by this ruthless man like garbage. Elena Knyazeva a random passerby seeing the state the poor dog was in, managed to maneuver the dog all the way from the spot he has been staying in an animal shelter.

At the shelter, the dog received the help he needed, food , bath and tons of affection, soon the heartbroken dog began to come around and make new friends there, now he even had a replacement name and was called Luke. From all his new friends, Luke created a tighter bond with another dog called Dennis, whose story was worse than Luke’s.

Founded at construction site as well as his mom and siblings, Dennis has been through hell, some twisted person was mistreating them,, Dennis’s mom had two chopped ears, one among his siblings was found dead, and Dennis had a sustained leg injury, which with quick medical help was healed soon after. With their heartbreaking story, the two dogs found friendship to repair their broken past. Their story was so unique that 4 Paws Toronto expressed they wanted to need the duo and offer to put them during a foster-to-adopt program ensuring the 2 suffering dogs will find the happiness they need missed until now on their new chapter of their lives, with a replacement home for the both of them.

Even though Toronto and Russia had 4,600 miles between one another, this was a once during a lifetime chance for the duo to seek out the love they need been missing until now. 4 Paws took a group of friends and attacked there. They created a GoFundME page and successfully obtained the required donations. Both dogs arrived and settled in Canada. So happy for the simplest friends, the sun is shining finally for them too.

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