The dog didn’t despair and stubbornly dragged the heavy package to the very doorstep

There are a lot of dogs roaming in the streets of Bangkok just like this ginger one. Locals call them “courtyards” as they can be found in almost all the courtyards of the city.

One of these dogs, however, turned out to be a hero. The ginger dog was named Pugh. Pugh was wandering around the streets of Bangkok when all of a sudden the dog noticed something unusual. He heard some sounds coming from a trash can and ran right to it.

Soon Pugh discovered a special package there from where the sound was coming. He picked up the package with his teeth and grabbed it to the nearest yard. Then Pugh started barking loudly to draw some attention from the people around him.

One of the residents of that street heard the heart-rending calls of the dog. When she came closer she noticed the package and heard the squeak coming from it. She thought that there were little kittens or puppies inside. But when she opened the package she was in despair.

There was a dying baby who turned blue already. The woman called the police and an ambulance immediately.

The doctors managed to save the baby but claimed that if not for the brave Pugh the baby would probably die.

Everyone heard the story about the dog who dragged the bundle with a baby for several kilometers and saved a life. Even the mayor of the city learned anout Pugh and he became a city hero.

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