The Happiest Person Right Now Is The Blind Dog Without Legs That Waited 10 Years To Be Adopted

A puppy named Tofu shows the world that hope is never lost, because with his story he motivates us to keep hoping for the best in life.

We sometimes know stories of people who have had to go through various trials in their lives but in the end fate seems to reward them one way or another, because of the different types of endings. This happy ending happens and not only in the lives of people, but in different creatures and one of them is Good Tofu.

Before being known as Tofu, the puppy was called Estabanado and lived in a shelter of the Animal Welfare Coordination of the municipality of Araraquara , in Sao Paulo (Brazil).

Like any puppy that is given a second chance, the rescuers hoped to find a good family for the dog, but the matter was not so simple.

The panorama for this little friend did not paint in the best way, since most people prefer to adopt healthy puppies. But poor Tofu is a blind puppy and his years had also brought him other complications.

The caretakers at the shelter took a great liking to the puppy, although they always knew that it was imperative to find him a home. What they wanted most was to give him the opportunity to meet a real family, before he left this world.

As if his condition were not difficult, a few years ago this dog underwent an operation in which one of his legs was amputated due to a tumor.

Each day that he spent in the shelter diminished the chances that the little dog Estabanado would leave the place alive.

It turned out that at the end of the day the puppy’s old age and painful history were the hook for someone to decide to open the doors of his heart.

According to Carolina Mattos Galvão, director of the shelter, one day she received a call: someone wanted to meet the oldest dog in the place.

That generous soul was dog trainer Danila Molinari, who at 39 was determined to give a doggy grandfather a chance.

As soon as she visited him, the woman was crushed and felt that it was the good dog who had come into her life to make one of her dreams come true.

“I always had a dream of adopting a disabled dog, an elderly dog ​​and a deaf dog. When I asked him who was the oldest dog in the shelter, I did not imagine that he would also have a visual and physical disability, “said Danila.

Once the adoption was finalized, the dog changed his name to Tufo and, together with his new family, this puppy is writing a new story.

“It was an indescribable feeling, something magical. She knew she wanted this, but she didn’t know it would be this good. He is very cute, he sleeps like an angel, he no longer collides with things. My family is happy, he is happy, it is gratifying to have him here,” said Danila.

For all those who believe that life ends when they reach old age, we must tell them that all is not lost. No one knows when true happiness will come, but in this particular case, we’re glad it finally arrived and in the least imaginable way.

Danila’s decision is very welcome, as she has given herself the opportunity to love a being that no one else has ever seen.

Tofu is now a loving dog and this woman has become his angel. Remember that older puppies deserve happiness too, adopt them!

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