Woman Adopts A Judgmental Chihuahua With A Lot To Say

She had never owned a Chihuahua before and now she’s got a judgmental one!

When she first saw the tiny chi, she wasn’t sure she was real. But she was and had an attitude that was much bigger than her tiny body and an expression full of judgment.

The two met after the Chihuahua’s owner passed away. Having recently lost a dog, a friend of the would-be adopter called her and asked if she was willing to give the Chihuahua a home.

The friend decided to give it a try if the Chihuahua got along with her other two dogs, a German Shepherd, and a lab. She never considered getting such a small dog but was willing to consider it.

They decided to meet in a central location since they both lived in different cities. When the back of the car was opened, the tiny dog was staring out, paws crossed, clearly judging her would-be adopter.

It was at that moment that the dog stole her heart and she decided to take her home. The dog stayed in her mom’s arms all the way home and instantly decided to trust her even after such a loss.

They renamed the dog Tina and that is how they began their life together. From the beginning, it was clear that Tina had a lot to say. She’s a very funny, vocal girl but that is only because she’s so happy and loves her new mom to the moon and back.

She loves to do the zoomies and run and chase all day, but her mom says, she doesn’t like toys. And when mom is gone even for a minute, Tina is ecstatic that her mom is back and jumps and runs in happy circles.

Tina loves car rides, food, and cuddling with her mom. Tina fills her mom with joy and helps her laugh and write her songs. She also stays by her mom’s side just like her dog that passed used to do.

Tina has helped heal her new mom’s heart and got her through a lot of the grief after losing her other dog. They both suffered a huge loss, but they have already been together three years and time is passing too fast.

We hope you enjoyed their sweet story. We’re so glad they found each other because they make a perfect family and helped each other so much. Please feel free to share with your friends.

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