Woman Saves Abandoned Elderly and Blind Arctic Fox from Dog Shelter and Brings Him Love

Archie was a blind Arctic fox who had a difficult life before he was rescued by Kimberly DeFisher, the founder of Arctic Fox Daily Wildlife Rescue. At the age of eight, Archie was dropped off in a dog shelter in Colorado by his owners who either couldn’t take care of him or didn’t want him anymore. From Colorado, he was transferred to a fox rescue in Minnesota but he didn’t like it there and didn’t want to interact with other foxes.

Finally, Archie arrived at Arctic Fox Daily Wildlife Rescue, an animal sanctuary with a two-part rescue mission. The first mission was to provide forever sanctuary to captive-bred and non-releasable foxes, and the second was wildlife rehabilitation for New York native wildlife with the goal of releasing them back into the wild.

When Archie first arrived at the sanctuary, he was reserved and didn’t allow Kimberly to touch him, but after a few months, he completely came out of his shell. He understood the term “treat” and allowed Kimberly to touch him after she warned him with the word “touch”. Archie also had a girlfriend named Lulu who kept him company, and they would have playdates with another fox couple at the sanctuary.

Kimberly explained that many of the animals she cares for don’t have the instincts their wild counterparts have and wouldn’t be able to survive in the wild. This is why she puts so much time and effort into giving them a happy life. Archie was no exception. He was nearing his 10-year-old mark, which was the average lifespan of an Arctic fox, and Kimberly wanted to make sure he spent his last few years happy and enjoying life.

The video of Archie quickly went viral, and more than a million people viewed it and shared their love for him. Many commented that there was no such thing as an animal that was “too old” or “not worth the time and effort” and that every animal deserved love and human kindness.

The story of Archie the blind Arctic fox touched the hearts of many and showed the reward of giving animals a happy life. We hope that it inspires people to re-think wanting to own a fox as a pet and to adopt a dog from a shelter instead.

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