Young Girl Treks Over One Mile Through Heavy Snow To Get Help For Her Sick Dog

One day, veterinarian Ogün ztürk was sent to a small village to attend to a cow in need of attention.

He didn’t intend to remain very long, but what was supposed to be a simple visit turned into something Ogün won’t soon forget.

Ogün was getting ready to leave the village after finishing the job he had come for, but something else caught his attention before he could go.
A young girl was walking toward him on a snow-covered path, and she wasn’t alone… She had a pup on her back.

It turns out that the 8-year-old Cemre Su Türköz heard that a veterinarian was visiting the area and decided to make the most of the situation.

Pamuk, Cemre’s dog, had fallen ill, and so she decided to trek more than a mile from her house to where she’d heard Ogün would be out of desperation to get his help.

“When I first saw them, I was very surprised and touched,” Ogün told The Dodo. “She’d wrapped her dog up and brought him to me on her back.”

Of course, Ogün could not turn Cemre and Pamuk away, so he conducted a checkup while the young girl watched on with concern.

Thankfully, the dog’s illness wasn’t too severe. According to Ogün, Pamuk only had a few minor skin conditions that bothered him but were easily treatable.

“When Cemre heard that her dog would be fine, she was very happy,” Ogün said. “I applied external parasite medications to Pamuk. He is now enjoying himself again, healthy and happily.”

The young girl and her dog not only gained the help they needed but also gained a friend.

Ogün has since returned to the village to check on Cemre and Pamuk, making sure they never again need to risk the snow to get the assistance he can offer.

Given the effort she had made to find him, it was the least he could do.

Ogün remarked, “It made me very happy that an 8-year-old girl behaved in this way with such a loving heart.”

That day, Ogün did not charge Cemre for his services. The best compensation he could hope for was simply witnessing her love and loyalty to Pamuk.

“The fact that a person at such a young age exhibits this behavior gives hope to humanity,” Ogün said. “With all that’s going on in the world, there’s still hope. Cemre showed us that the only truth in the world is love.”

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