Loyal Dog Won’t Leave Autistic Lad’s Side Because They’re Best Friends

Dogs are better than humans. Put simply, they’re the best friends we have but don’t deserve. Here is yet another example of why they’re the greatest.

Nine-year-old James Isaac has autism, can’t speak and is uncomfortable with human contact. Thankfully, he has Mahe.

Mahe is the devoted assistance dog who simply never leaves his side. The little lad from New Zealand recently had to undergo an MRI scan to diagnose his seizures and when doctors saw how attached the two were, they allowed Mahe to come in with him.

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Even as James was being put under the machine, Mahe stood by his best friend, nuzzling his face.

“He was just looking at James and looked really worried,” Michelle Isaac, James’ mum, told Stuff.co.nz.

The hospital visit may be enough for most people to swoon but Mahe has been invaluable elsewhere too. The Assistance Dogs New Zealand Trust-trained dog keeps James calm in all kinds of different outings since they became best friends two and a half years ago.

“There is such a magic that happens between a child with autism and the dogs, they just calm the kids down,” said Wendy Isaacs, who works for the trust.

Keep it up, Mahe, you’re a legend already.


Source: Inside Edition

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