Brave dog protects scared toddler from the vacuum cleaner

Sometimes the scary things in life are best faced together with a friend. And in the case of a baby and a dog, the results are absolutely adorable.

The precious footage that was captured, featured a dog and his best friend, a little kid. In the video, the dog showed his loyalty to the child when he got spooked by a vacuum.

Screen Shot: YouTubemgibison

In the clip, the baby was walking down a hallway while the husky was nearby, watching over the child. When the kid’s father started the vacuum, the little kid was immediately startled by the sound.

And it was at that moment, that the dog showed his loyalty by rushing to the kid’s side in order to protect her from the scariness that was the vacuum cleaner.

Screen Shot: YouTube/mgibison

Even after the father had finished vacuuming, the child wasn’t convinced that the scariness was over, and so she stayed close by her dog. It is clear that the bond between the two is very, very strong.

Even though the video was short, only lasting 22 seconds, it was very adorable. It’s the kind of precious content that always manages to put a smile on your face.

When people saw the quick footage, the internet was quick to melt at the cuteness of it all. Most everyone online could agree that it was one of the most adorable videos to circulate online.

Screen Shot: YouTube/mgibison

But what impressed people most, was the fact that the dog did not run. Normally, our pets – be they cats or dogs – cannot stand the sound of the vacuum. Their natural instinct is to flee. Yet, the husky did the opposite, he rushed to the aid of the scared kid.

That is true friendship right there.

You can watch the brief but heartwarming interaction below:

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