Baby learns to walk with the help of her pet dog

Allison and Matt share their home with two dogs, Mason and Breck. When Allison became pregnant, the two dogs knew something was going to happen. So when she gave birth to a baby girl, the couple was concerned about how the two dogs would react to the new addition to the family.

The two dogs were overjoyed when the couple brought their newborn home. They rushed over to the baby and began sniffing her. The dogs, however, appeared anxious near Jordan, much to the surprise of the new parents.

The two dogs had been by her side since the beginning. Mason, on the other hand, went one step further. To Jordan, he was like a shadow. He would always be by Jordan’s side and keep his head on her to rest. Mason, according to Allison, was like a safety blanket for Jordan.

Mason loved to come over and lay down next to Jordan. The two would play with each other, and Jordan would place little plastic glasses on Mason’s head. The dog was very patient with the naughty baby. Mason also entertained her whenever he could.

It was funny the way the two interacted with each other. They always spoke to each other in their own language. Jordan learned to stand up, leaning on Mason and taking the support of his body. She also learned to take her first baby steps with the dog’s help. He was always there for Jordan.

When Jordan learned to walk correctly, the family went to a Boston beach for a small outing. Mason and Jordan played in the sand and were perfect playmates. The two loved to cuddle, and Jordan shared her food with the dog.

The two are best buddies and are totally inseparable. They’re always happy to be with each other. Mason follows Jordan wherever she goes and never leaves her alone, even for a moment.

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