Dog Isn’t Just A Playmate, He’s A Life Saver For Little Girl

Every child should grow up with a dog. They’re great playmates, they can make children smile, and with the dog around, parents can teach their kids how to respect animals.

The story we have here for you is a special friendship of a little girl and her dog. They are the best of friends. Not only does the dog cheers her up, and plays with her, he also saves her life every single day.

Meet Alida and her service dog Mr. Gibbs. Alida was diagnosed with a disease that prevented the oxygen in her lungs from getting to her bloodstream. Alida has to drag around an oxygen canister with her dad’s homemade cart. But when Alida goes outside, Mr. Gibbs helps her by carrying the oxygen for her. Watch the video below for the full story!

Alida and Mr. Gibbs are so adorable! And Mr. Gibbs is such an awesome dog! He’s a bestfriend, protector, and lifesaver rolled into one!

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