Baby Gets A Little Too Close To The Dog, And The Dog Lunges For Her Face

When Amanda and Don Swift welcomed their baby daughter, Harper, into this world, they immediately knew she was going to be loved unconditionally by their family’s 8-year-old Chocolate Labrador, Savannah.
The Atlanta couple had raised Savannah since she was 10 weeks old, and they had full trust in her.
As Harper was growing up, Savannah became very vigilant of the baby’s whereabouts and safety. The dog wanted her baby sister to grow up well, and she would do everything in her power to look out for her!
In this video, Harper is 6 months old and she is just learning to crawl. Savannah sees that the baby needs a little bit of nudging, so she gently coaxes her to come to her.
Harper is all giggles as she tries to “follow” Savannah’s command and crawl to her. The family is surprised to see Harper actually doing a proper “crawl” for the first time!
Savannah is overjoyed to see her little human’s accomplishment! She rewards her with a sweet kiss on the nose, causing the baby to break into another set of chuckles!
Harper is a lucky girl to have Savannah care for her like a protective big sister. Labradors are perfect as family dogs!
Click the video below to watch Harper’s first crawl while being guided by Savannah!
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