Dog Rescued From Puppy Mill Is Introduced To A Friend To Signal A New Beginning

Ruggles the Shih-Tzu puppy was rescued from a puppy mill and taken to a place to start a brand new life.

He was introduced to a new friend to signal this new beginning, and this unlikely pal was also rescued from an unfortunate situation.

Chompers the kitten was found alone under a porch at only two days old. Watch below as they meet each other for the first time. 🙂

Despite their rough starts to life, Ruggles and Chompers are happy and healthy and were both adopted into loving forever homes!

Ruggles went on to become the official ambassador for the shelter that rescued him, the Cherokee County Animal Shelter.

The pup now visits schools to help educate kids on puppy mills and shelter dogs.

A note from the YouTube video page on their adoptions: “For those wondering why they were not adopted together… that was the shelter’s original plan, but Chompers (true to her name!) became too rough with little Ruggles, and due to his health problems, it was determined that it was in both of the animals’ best interest to be adopted separately. They are both happy and very much loved!”

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