This Boxer Dad Gets Hilarious Taste of Parenthood With His Puppies Around

When it comes to parenthood things can get a little overwhelming at times – especially if you’re a dad of eight. And for Reno the Boxer, eight puppies were a lot of energy to handle at once.

Reno’s owner was outside on the porch with the little Boxer family when he caught the hilarious footage of an exasperated dad trying to juggle all eight of his pups at once. Anyone who has ever done the puppy thing knows that one puppy can be a handful. But eight of them? That is a lot to take on at once. Reno certainly had his paws full.

The hilarious video, which was viewed more than two million times, was proof that even doggie dads are overwhelmed at times. Reno looks unsure of what to do with all his kids at once, given that they’re all so hyper. He is still quite gentle when he interacts with them. Both the pups and dad seem quite curious about one another despite having been around each other for a few weeks.

The Boxer dad seemed genuinely unsure of what to do with so many little shadows following him around the deck. The poor father tries to get a little bit of space but he can’t seem to catch a break. His little ones are insistent on ganging up on daddy. It becomes a little uncomfortable for Reno when the puppies get a little too…personal.

But his puppies are relentless. At one point, the patient dad is backed into a corner and he sees no way out. And after a little stern warning, Reno ends up having to make a leap to gain control of the situation again. That is what fatherhood looks like for Reno, and despite everything, he’s a good dad.

Watch the silliness down below:

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