Guardians of Grace: Brave Teen with Epilepsy Advocates for Service Dogs' Safety

Hailey Ashmore and her dog Flynn share an unbreakable bond. Flynn is not just an average dog; he is Hailey's lifeline. Trained as a medical alert dog, Flynn can sense oncoming seizures and fetch help when needed. For Hailey, who battles multiple life-threatening conditions, Flynn's presence is invaluable.

As a teenager with epilepsy, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, severe allergies, gastroparesis, and asthma, Hailey relies on Flynn to watch over her and alert others if she's in trouble. They are a team, inseparable from each other. But this crucial role comes with an important rule - service dogs like Flynn should not be petted or played with while they work, unless their human gives permission.

Training Flynn to anticipate Hailey's seizures has been a challenging journey, and they have come a long way since Flynn was just a 7-month-old puppy. However, there was an incident that served as a powerful reminder of the importance of respecting service dogs' duties.

One day, when Hailey was visiting her father at work, a well-meaning person stopped to greet Flynn. Ignoring the "STOP" patch on his vest, they began to pet him. Hailey warned them to stop, knowing she needed time to get to safety and seek help before a potential seizure. Unfortunately, she didn't get that chance, and she ended up with scrapes and bruises from the fall.

Hailey wants people to understand the gravity of the situation. Flynn is her lifeline, and any distraction puts her life at risk. She urges everyone not to pet, call, taunt, or talk to service dogs while they are on duty. Flynn's vest, marked with a giant "stop" sign, should be respected at all times. The only time someone should approach Hailey and Flynn is if she is unconscious or having a seizure.

Beyond his vital role as a service dog, Flynn is Hailey's hero. He is always there to offer comfort and protection. Hailey wishes people would recognize the importance of service dogs and educate others about their crucial jobs.

This heartwarming and touching story of Hailey and Flynn serves as a reminder of the essential work service dogs do and the need for everyone to respect their duty while they are on the job. Share Hailey's message to spread awareness and appreciation for these incredible canine companions.

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