New-Mom Introduces Newborn To Her Pet, Dog Shows Mom Her 1st Rookie Mistake

If dogs are “man’s best friend” then it is only natural that these special relationships begin at a young age.

Science suggests that dogs can actually smell when a newborn is related to their “pack leader.” This explains why most dogs form an attachment to a newborn brought into the home.

In this 32 second video, a tiny newborn is sleeping on the sofa. The infant is lying on his tummy in just a diaper. He is mostly uncovered and this is NOT OKAY with his doggy sibling.

His pup walks over and with her snout, she nudges the couch and blanket until “her” baby is warm and snuggly.

This type of nurturing is expected from a parent but to see this from the family dog is so unexpected and sweet.

Especially because the dog lacks the digits to do most tasks, yet has figured out how to accomplish something so darn adorable— and is taking care of the tiny baby she already adores.

I promise you, watching this will be the sweetest 32 seconds of your day! And don’t forget to share this with family and friends. Keeping it to yourself would just be wrong a little selfish, sorry.

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