2-year-old girl becomes best buds with deaf puppy

When adopting a dog, many families are looking for the perfect pup. Things like responsiveness, playfulness, and need for attention are what they look for in a brand new puppy.

But what about the dogs that might be considered less than perfect. For Moz, a deaf dog, he was lucky to be adopted by a sweet family willing to give him all of the care he would ever need.

Without responding to vocal commands, Moz and his adopted father are faced with some unique challenges. As the adoption specialists always look to place dogs in great homes, he wasn’t sure where Moz would fit in.

Being nurtured and trained by the other adopted dogs, Moz can catch on to many things, and his hearing is hardly an issue. Especially when he catches the eye of a two-year-old girl on his regular walks.

Lillian, the two-year-old girl, not only loves dogs but is especially keen to calm and gentle ones, just like Moz. This was an unbreakable bond from the very moment that it formed.

After being tasked with watching Moz for two weeks, Lillian’s relationship with Moz only grew more prominent. Finding unique ways of communicating with him, they became inseparable.

After his final vaccination, Moz was finally given to Lillian and her family to be a part of their home. There’s no doubt that Moz has a bright future ahead of him with Lillian by his side.

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