Adorable Baby Girl and Little Puppy Meet for the First Time. Too Cute!

When Maddy was just a baby, her parents also acquired a little puppy who was name Paddy. This video shows the first encounter with Maddy and her new friend.

We never know how babies and puppies will react to each other, mainly because it might be hard for each to comprehend what the other is. Here we see Maddy, a baby girl encountering her family’s new puppy Paddy for the first time. She seems to want to keep grabbing hold of Paddy by the head. As for Paddy, he’s a good sport about it all.

It’s obvious they are good friends who have a strong bond. It’s evident that these two are going to be life-long pals with lots of fun adventures in store for them both.

Watch the video to see how the friendship all started then leave comments below. Share this video with your friends on Facebook and give them a smile that will last all day.

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