Moment of bliss when Golden Retriever meets a kitten for the first time

Cats and dogs are often categorized as adversaries. However, if you have a cat and a dog at home as pets, you will seldom find them fighting. On the contrary, these two animal species often spend their time playing pranks with each other.

Such a moment was recently captured by Bailey’s owner. Bailey is a Golden Retriever, and his owner recently got a pet kitten named Simon. Although tiny, Simon was brave enough to play with the big dog.

The captured moment shows the dog lying on a couch and the kitten walking around, trying to explore the sofa. For Bailey, the kitten was a new animal species. Thus, he keeps sniffing at the kitten, which ultimately irritates Simon.

Simon tries to stop Bailey with his tiny claws, but the dog thinks the kitten is trying to play. This encourages Bailey to playfully nudge at the kitten with his nose. Instead of joining in the fun, Simon hisses at Bailey. This acts as a warning for the dog, and he immediately stops bothering Simon.

No matter how much the kitten tries, he cannot stop Bailey from bothering him. The Golden Retriever sniffs at Simon, tries to lick his head, and nudges the kitten to play with him. But no matter how he invites Simon to play, Bailey fails. So finally, he decides to rub his head on the couch and amuse himself instead.

Finding the dog busy with himself, Simon decides to nap on the couch. Bailey keeps himself busy by rubbing his head and scratching his head with his paw. On the other hand, Simon prefers to watch Bailey from a distance. After a while, Simon decides to stretch himself on the couch.

Despite Bailey and Simon being two different animal species with different habits and natures, they lay next to each other on the couch for a long time. The two staring at each other would make anybody feel happy.

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