Pitbull curious to meet human sibling; Does the cutest thing possible

Many parents are skeptical when their pets meet their newborns for the first time. They fear that their sharp nails or teeth may harm their babies’ delicate skin. However, it is often the opposite that happens. Pets can be really gentle with newborn babies. They can be real inspirations and teach some of the most essential things in life to kids.

A Pitbull named Nova was a puppy when he became a member of Kayla’s family. He was a loving, silly, curious, playful, loyal, and protective dog. Kayla and her husband also had another smaller dog named Teddy. Nova was also very gentle and cuddly with Teddy. However, Teddy was shyer and preferred to stay by himself compared to Nova.

Nonetheless, Nova never left a chance of playing with Teddy. The way Nova behaved with Teddy proved that he was full of love and compassion. This made Kayla realize that Nova would be an amazing big brother.

When Kayla was pregnant, Nova would always stay with her with his face against her stomach. He ensured that he was curled up in bed with Kayla, no matter the situation. It was as if he could sense the baby inside Kayla’s stomach. The Pitbull’s behavior made Kayla believe that he was excited to meet the newborn.

When the baby was finally born and the couple returned home with the baby named Liliana, Nova was curious to see the newborn. At the same time, Kayla was also interested to see how he behaved with the baby. The new mother was relieved that Nova didn’t disappoint her.

When they settled down at home, Nova’s eyes got huge. He started sniffing the newborn almost immediately. The Pitbull was highly excited. However, at the same time, he also understood that he needed to be gentle and cautious around the baby. So whenever the baby cried, Nova would go to her and find out what was wrong.

Nova was very protective of Liliana, and she also loved him a lot. She would always pet him with her tiny hands, and he loved to enjoy those moments of head scratches. Kayla was amazed at how her two dogs, Nova and Teddy, behaved like big brothers to their daughter.

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