These happy babies will remind you of all that’s good in the world

Baby laughter is one of the most infectious sounds in the world. Try not to laugh as you watch these adorable babies crack themselves up when they play in the water.

Water is a wonderful toy for those first discovering it as these babies find out. Some babies mess around with the hose and spray themselves in the face, much to their delight.

Other babies, with the help of their parents, try their hand at swimming. Some of them flop while others do the cutest little doggie paddle. Each one will bring a smile to your face.

There are babies who completely lose it as they sit in a pool of water and watch the antics of their beloved puppy friends. Some babies are a little less sure of the whole water thing.

Big brothers and sisters always make things funnier. Watch these babies look at their siblings in adoration and break into giggles at their amusing antics. These babies are the best!

Splashing in the water and living their best baby lives, these tots are a great reminder to enjoy the simple things in life. Take a break from your stressful day to watch these adorable munchkins have fun.

From baby’s first bath to an introduction to the swimming pool, these water bugs love to play where it’s wet. Their baby laughter is so infectious, you’ll be in tears long before the end of the compilation.

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