Baby girl and puppy love making music together

The platonic ideal of a jam session usually involves a handful of friends gathered in the garage. But in this household, the musical ones of the family were a puppy and a baby girl.

Before they started rocking out together, Baby Ailee and her puppy sibling, Bruno, were not close. “Whenever Ailee and Bruno first interacted with each other, they just did their own separate things,” said their mom, Laken.

Laken remembered being disappointed by their distance. “I wanted them to get along, and I wanted them to want to snuggle together,” said Laken. “So it was kinda hard for me at first to see that.”

But all that changed when Laken taught Ailee how to play the harmonica. Ailee came from a long line of musicians, so she immediately picked up the instrument. Bruno surprised everyone by deciding to sing along.

“The first time Bruno sang with Ailee, it really just shocked me. I did not expect it at all,” said Laken. “I was sitting there, and I saw Ailee playing and right whenever I started recording, Bruno sat down in front of her and started singing.”

The music ended up being the catalyst that brought Bruno and Ailee together. Not only did they spend more time together, but they also started snuggling and being more affectionate toward one another.

Laken could not be happier about how her musical fur baby and baby girl have grown to accept one another through song. “Passing my love of music on to Bruno and Ailee is the best feeling in the world,” said Laken.

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