Gentle Malamutes spend time with newborn baby girl and her toys
Baby Amelia has the best life growing up, with Malamutes watching over her as she sleeps. The cute baby is napping while her mom teaches Phil the Malamute how to be gentle.
Phil is clearly aware of their size difference and is nervous about being near a fragile baby. He wants to be gentle with her and makes sure to sniff her quietly.
Meanwhile, Milo, the cat, is on the couch behind them. Milo is relaxing and watching everything unfold. While the dogs are away, Milo hides in a small tent in the living room.
The big dogs rush in and investigate all the baby’s new toys, and Niko bites and chews on the baby’s things without destroying them. Then she is surprised by Milo, who jumps out at her.
The Malamutes gather around and watch the baby sleep, and Milo perches on the couch while the dogs cuddle with their owners. It is a relaxing day at home for everyone.
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