Pittie was flat as a pancake but now chases her baby sister

Layla, a Pit Bull, was born with square ribs and couldn’t walk until she got help from her parents, Ricardo and Brittney. Ricardo’s dad had Layla and didn’t know what to do with her.

She was a fierce puppy from the beginning, and Brittney and Ricardo decided to take her home. Layla had swimmer’s syndrome, which they had never heard of, but they were determined to do whatever they could to help her.

Due to her condition, carrying Layla was like holding a book. She slept on her back, looking like a pancake with her legs almost pointing straight out. They used Brittney’s hairbands to tie Layla’s feet together.

Layla was a fighter, and the cat also motivated her to be more mobile. She was extraordinarily spunky but also incredibly gentle. It was a big win for them when Layla started to walk.

Nowadays, they take Layla with them wherever they go. She likes to ride shotgun while Brittney has to sit in the back. Then Brittney and Ricardo were expecting a child.

Layla bonded with their baby, Natalia, even before she was born. The loving Pit Bull was always sitting and laying on Brittney’s belly. After Natalia was brought home, Layla never left her side.

Ricardo and Brittney put Layla and Natalia in the same wagon so they could ride together when they walked around the neighborhood. Both of them are their babies.

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