Sweet Dog Is Obsessed With Watching His New Baby Brother

This baby doesn’t know it yet, but his future best friend is just waiting for him to get old enough to play.

Phil has a new obsession, his new baby human brother. Phil loves the new baby so much that whenever he hears the slightest noise coming from the baby’s vicinity, he checks on the infant.

Phil takes his job as big brother very seriously. He is never far from the new baby and is always watching over him. He even likes to poke his head into the bassinet just to check in on him and make sure he’s doing okay.

His sweet behavior around the baby is just too cute for words. It’s as if he just can’t get enough of the baby. Sometimes he’ll even push the bassinet as if he wishes the baby would wake up so that they could have a little visit.

But that doesn’t happen because Mom and Dad watch Phil so that he doesn’t disturb the baby’s sleep. However, they never worry about the baby because Phil is so gentle. He just wants to be close to his new little human brother as much as possible.

Phil prefers it when the baby is sleeping on the couch because then he can snuggle up close to him. He carefully climbs up and gently lays down next to the sleeping baby. He’ll even rest his head on the baby blanket.

Phil also gets a little jealous. When the baby and his little sister nap together, Phil would like to get between the two of them and be the jelly in the center of a sweet baby sandwich. But no worries, Mom ensures he only watches and doesn’t disturb their nap time together.

Phil is just the sweetest Malamute and loves it when his little human isn’t sleeping. In those cute moments, he lays right next to the baby so that he can watch every move the baby makes. Phil is not about to miss anything.

This baby surely has a best friend just waiting to run and play with him as soon as he’s old enough. He’s such a lucky baby to have such a sweet and attentive dog always watching over him.

Their mom says that Phil is always “eager to be close, protect, and watch over his siblings, he’s our angel in disguise.” We agree Phil is an adorable angel.

We hope that you like this cute video. You can watch more on the Life with Malamutes YouTube channel. Please feel free to share with your friends.

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