Privacy Policy


This Privacy Policy tells you how we use your personal information collected on this website. Please read the Privacy Policy before using this website.

By using the website, you accept the content described in this Privacy Policy. These are subject to change and if so, we will notify you on the website or by mail, group, etc.

Our privacy policy is to keep the personal information received from the website completely confidential and for internal use only. And will not share your personal information with any other individuals or organizations. You can rest assured that we respect your privacy at all times and treat your data with the utmost care


This website may allow you to upload or submit information, software, text, images, audio, video and other materials (User Uploaded Information) through or on this website. For example, this site may provide forums, blogs, chat rooms, wikis, message boards, or other interactive areas. If necessary, reserves the right to edit, delete, move, track, deny, restrict or block access to downloaded user information in its sole discretion. You are solely responsible for the information provided through any website.

When you upload user information through this website, you are authorizing PetsHappiness, without providing you with any credit or compensation, royalty free, non-exclusive, worldwide. gender. , perpetual, unrestricted, irrevocable and transferable, licensed to use, Modify, display, reproduce, reuse, perform, sell, compile, create works derive, distribute and export any User Information uploaded, in whole or in part, or for any purpose into any other work, media, software or Technique incorporated into other works.

We collect personally identifiable information such as name, postal address, email address, phone number, etc. when a visitor voluntarily submits to us. This information is only used to respond to your specific request.

The information we collect may include your name, company or organization name, job title, date of birth, email and phone number. We may collect certain information about you, such as the date and time you visited the website and the type of browser you use to access it. This information is used to help improve and better administer the website.

Your personal information will be kept safe. Only authorized employees and contractors (who agree to keep information confidential and secure) have access to this information. All emails and newsletters on this site allow you to opt out of receiving emails.

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